Another method you can do as to enjoy easy lifestyle is through gardening. Don’t be misunderstood that gardening is a though and troublesome activity. Actually it would be creating lots of funs, satisfaction and also may give a piece of mind when you up close and personal with the plants and crops. When we talking about gardening always we refer to DIY (do it yourself) method. Of course before you start anything on gardening, draw out a plan first, and include all the necessary items in your planning chart. Then only you find a place at your backyard which you find that is suitable for you to perform gardening. Otherwise will be heir weird and eventually make yourself into a difficult situation. Remember; always treat this activity as easy as possible.
There are some tips for beginners who like gardening. Some experts had shared their ideas and opinions on how to do a wonderful gardening work. Here are the ideas:
- Plan a gardener’s selection.
Looks around where is the suitable place to start. Scratch down in simple statement using an economical booklet or photo album and insert remarks with and each season of your plants. Follow, make it as comprehensive as you’d like by putting information as an indication where the plants were bought and where it was located in your garden. Add some colorful sketches of your garden or you may take photographs.
- How to make shoveling easier
Regardless you’re handling with mucky soil or wet snow. Experts suggest that, by applying silicone spray on the shovel will make the sticky elements slip right away. Always use a lubricant that contains Teflon or silicone and recoat your shovel at least once in every 2 months.
- How to make heavy pots feel lighter
To reduce the weight of large pots, fill up one-half full with foam packing peanuts. The reason of putting the foam is not only makes the pot lighter but also provides room for drainage. Try to find a round piece of landscape fabric and put between the foam and soil to separate both materials. You can also make use of a light potting mix up that include peat moss and vermiculite and the pot may even lighter. Beware; several packing peanuts soften in water, please be sure that to test it out before putting them in the pot.
- Transport your plants
When you at the local nursery, at the back of your car, put a plastic tarpaulin and place a small plastic compartment on top of the tarpaulin. The reason we use the compartment is to guard your plants throughout the way home. Eventually, you will no longer have to worry about spilled plants or mess up your car.
- Monitor rainfall reading.
Put a rain gauge and adding a few drops of food coloring to the bottom. During the next rainfall, the rain water will combine with dye color and the water level will be seen clearly and easy to read.
- Prevent an aggressive plant.
Gooseneck loosestrife is often taking over your plant in a pot. To make sure that the underground roots of the plants don’t rapidly crowd your whole garden, always cut out with a knife. The roots can grow directly down into the ground soil.
- Root bound plants.
Buying potting plants is often a root bound. As the plant grows, the roots normally not enough space to grow. The roots will form tight circles in the pot. Sooner or later, the roots prevent essential nutrients and water from traveling to the leaves and branches. For better result, gently make vertical cuts in the root ball with a knife.
- Protect your bulbs.
To keep creatures munching on your newly planted flowers, staked a net over the bed of flowers. During spring, simply cut holes or remove the netting and let the plants grow through naturally.
- Portable Potting
By using a wheelbarrow, upgrade and fit a section of plywood at the end with lumber cleats. This creates an even exterior that is good for potting. These will reduce your work while you can wheel your plants and soil together.
- Imperfection Free
For example: when you planting roses, the crucial is pruning. The reason is to maintain the middle of the flower open, so that sunshine can easily shine in. Cautious pruning will remain the moisture out and prevent black spot.
Simple steps will be leading you to a wonderful and easy gardening. Hence, you’re towards to an easy life style. Always remember, everything single step is start with you. Attitude and determination are important.