How to Prevent Mouth Odour

The smell of the mouth can be very embarrassing, when you come back from lunch hour and suddenly you give off unpleasant smell to the people around you. Do not worry! Here are the things you can do and avoid to prevent bad breath and what to do to hide your bad breath. Look at the first step to get started!

Preventing Mouth In Long-Term Odour

  • Brush your teeth correctly. By brushing your teeth correctly is one of the most powerful ways to get rid of bad breath. Brush your teeth minimum twice a day for two to three minutes and ensure all parts of the mouth are well bonded. Prioritize areas between teeth and gums.
  • Wear a fluffy toothbrush and replace every 3-4 months with a new one.
  • Brush your teeth either before or after meals (otherwise, the enamel layer of your tooth can be thinned).
  • Your tongue is important for oral health, where your tongue is the place where the bacteria that result bad breath. Brush your tongue from the back to the front and ensure the side of your tongue is also tied. Do these no more than 4 times and make sure you do not brush the back of your tongue too far.
  • Clean your teeth with dental floss.

Dental yarn is one way to maintain oral health, including preventing bad breath. Cleaning teeth with dental floss can remove bacteria and plaque on the side-lines of your teeth that cannot be cleaned with the best toothbrush though. Practise it at least once every day.

  • When you clean your teeth with dental floss, prioritize the part between the teeth and gums. Make sure you brush it one direction on one tooth and move to another.

Avoid some foods.

  • Eating foods such as garlic, onions, and spicy foods can cause bad breath because this type of food will go into the bloodstream and will end up in your lungs. Foods that contain lots of high fat and sugar can also cause bad breath.
  • Avoid foods and drinks that contain lots of sugar. If you want to eat a snack, eat apples or foods that are protein rather than candy.
  • Avoid acidic beverages. This drink can cause bad breath and also bad for your dental health because acid drinks can damage the enamel layer of teeth. Also avoid drinks containing soda. If indeed you want to drink soft drinks, Make sure you drink it quickly without silencing in the mouth for too long.
  • Avoid coffee and alcoholic beverages. Both can accelerate the growth of bacteria in the mouth that will worsen your bad breath. This drink also makes your mouth dry so that bacteria can last longer in your mouth.
    Eat certain foods.

After you avoid the food, there are several foods you can eat to prevent and eliminate bad breath. This type of food is mostly fruits and vegetables, but there are also other foods that are good to prevent bad breath.

  • Eat sugar-free yogurt once a day. Yogurt with good bacteria (probiotic bacteria) can prevent bad breath by reducing the level of sulphate ions that cause bad breath.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin D such as salmon, orange or egg juice, because vitamin D can reduce your bad breath.
  • Some plants and spices can also reduce bad breath with chlorophyll that this plant has, although not entirely true. Try adding cloves, aniseed, and spicy fennel to your diet.

Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco.
The cause of bad breath is one of the other reasons to stop smoking in addition to the cause of cancer. The chemicals present in the tar and nicotine left in the mouth will make the mouth dry, so bacteria can last longer in your mouth and throat. Smoking habits can also cause gum disease, which is also the cause of bad breath.

Check your teeth regularly.
Checking the teeth to the dentist is vital to maintaining oral health, which will help prevent bad breath. Your dentist will know if your bad breath is caused by the food and drink you eat, the wrong way of brushing your teeth, or a more serious problem. If you continue to have problems with bad breath even if you have brushed your teeth properly and did not eat foods that cause bad breath, you should check with your dentist.