Nicotine is a kind of chemical and dangerous legal opiates available worldwide. Nicotine creates a dependency and is harmful to the smoker itself as well as others who inhale passive cigarette smoke, particularly children. If you want to quit smoking but do not recognize where to start, make a prepared plan. Be aware of the reasons you want to stop smoking, get ready for success, and run your arrangement with the support of others or drug therapy. Stopping smoking is hard, but it is not impossible. There are a few ways to help you stop smoking.
Decides to stop smoking
Think about why you want to stop smoking. Nicotine is highly addictive, and to quit smoking you need determination. Ask yourself a few questions, if your life without smoking is better than continuing life as a smoker. If you agree about that, look for clear reasons to quit smoking. In this way, the business stops being difficult you remain clear considering the very important stop reason.
Consider the effect of cigarettes on these aspects of your life: health, appearance, lifestyle, and people you love. Ask yourself whether quitting smoking will benefit these four aspects.
Consider the effect of cigarettes on these aspects of your life: health, appearance, lifestyle, and people you love. Ask yourself whether quitting smoking will benefit these four aspects.
Decide the reason you want to stop smoking
Create a list of reasons you want to stop. This list will help to corroborate your reasons. You need to see this list if tempt to smoke.
For example, the list of reasons you could contain like this: I must stop smoking so I can play my child during play time, have more energy, longevity and see my grandchildren get married, or downsize.
Prepare for nicotine withdrawal symptoms that happen among smoker.
Cigarettes are very effective in transporting nicotine throughout the body. When quitting smoking, you may experience addiction, anxiety, headaches, depression, feeling anxious or tense, increased weight gain and appetite and problems to concentrate.
Understand that it takes more than two efforts to quit smoking. Less than 5% of smoker are manage to stop smoking on 1st attempt.
Select a date to start executing the stop plan
Committing on a predefined start date will add arrangement to your plan. For instance, you can decide an important day like holiday or birthday, or choose any date you prefer.
Choose a date in the next two weeks. It gives yourself time to get ready and create on a day that is not important or that is not filled with stress, otherwise you will be tempted to smoke.
Choose one method
Decide what method you plan to use, such as cold turkey (stop suddenly), or slowly reduce use. Stopping by the cold-turkey method means you do not smoke at all abruptly. Decreasing smoking less by the day until you stop. If you choose the method of reducing, specify how much you deduct and when you will stop. This plan can be simple, for example, “I’ll reduce one cigarette every three days.”
The chances of success will be better if you combine medication and counseling using whatever method you decide.
Be prepared to be addicted.
Prepare plans beforehand to deal with addiction. Maybe you can try hand gestures to mouth. This movement describes the act of moving the hand to the mouth to smoke. Use a cigarette replacement to meet your needs. Try eating low-calorie food and drink, such as popcorn, raisins or fruit when the urge to smoke comes in.
You can try physical activity to fight addiction. Try a walk or do some exercise movements. You can also try to manage the urge of smoking by squeezing chewing gum or an antistress ball when addictive strikes.