Use honey. Honey naturally dampens cough and relieves sore throat. In addition, honey is also known to deal with various causes of chronic cough associated with allergies. Stir the honey into the hot tea to relieve your cough.You can also down a spoon of honey before bed to calm the cough.
You can safely give honey to children 2 years or older. It has been found that honey is as effective as dextromethorphan in children. However, never give honey to babies under 12 months old. This can lead to botulism in infants, a serious type of food poisoning.
Black honey like buckwheat honey has been proven effective by various studies. Honey harvested from the area around your residence can also help fight common allergens commonly found around you.
Use a nasal spray containing saline solution to relieve nasal congestion.
Salt sprays can help thin the mucus in your nose or throat. It is able to reduce cough. You can buy salt solution spray sold in the market or make it yourself.
To make your own salt solution, mix 2 teaspoons of salt with 4 glasses of warm water. Stir until fully dissolved. Use a small teapot called neti pot or use a nasal spray to moisten your sinuses. Use this spray when you feel nasal congestion, especially before bed.
Try using a spray before feeding a baby or young child.
Gargle it with salt water.
Gargling warm salt water can help moisturize the throat. This can calm the cough. You can prepare salt water to gargle at home in the following way:
Stir ¼ to ½ teaspoon “kosher” salt or pickling salt with 226 ml warm water of either decoction or distillation.
Add a large enough amount of syringe to the mouth and gargle it for a minute. Remove the salt water from the mouth and do not swallow.
The advantages of peppermint
The active ingredient in peppermint is menthol, a powerful expectorant, capable of thinning sputum and relieving cough, including dry cough. Peppermint is available in various forms on the market, such as essential oils or herbal teas. You can also grow your own peppermint easily.
Drink peppermint tea to help relieve cough.
Do not swallow peppermint oil. Rubbing a little peppermint oil on your chest can help you breathe more easily.
Try to use eucalyptus. Eucalyptus contains an active substance called sineol, which can act as an expectorant to help relieve cough. You can find eucalyptus or similar products in various forms, such as cough syrup, lozenge, or ointment. Eucalyptus oil, or more generally eucalyptus oil, is commonly available in many health stores and pharmacies.
Do not use eucalyptus or eucalyptus oil in the mouth because it can be toxic when consumed. Rub a small amount of eucalyptus oil under the nostrils or on the chest to relieve clogging and counteract the craving for coughing.
You can try to take cough syrup or lozenge medicine containing eucalyptus to help fight an endless cough.
Brew tea by boiling some fresh eucalypt or eucalyptus leaves or dried in hot water for 15 minutes. Drink this tea up to 3 times per day to treat a sore throat and calm cough.
Do not eat eucalyptus if you have asthma, convulsions, kidney or liver disease, or low blood pressure.
The use of ginger. Ginger can help a calm cough. By having a warm hot ginger tea it will help to calm a chronic cough.
Boiling ½ cup of fresh ginger that has been cut thinly, 6 cups water, and 2 cinnamon sticks for 20 minutes. Strain, then serve with honey and lemon.
Remember to seeking medical attention if your cough more than a week.