Ways to Flush the Sinus

Flu and allergies cause the mucus to collect in the sinus and nostrils so it hurts and can lead to infection. Flushing is effective only briefly, while many drugs cause sleepiness and other adverse effects. Therefore, many people try to flush their sinuses (also known as nasal irrigation) for quick, chemical free and effective solutions. Nasal irrigation sometime can also remove foreign objects such as powder, dirt and dust. Research has shown that normal use of nasal irrigation equipment will decrease the harshness of sinus infections significantly for those prone to the disease. Begin learns how to water the sinuses to overcome nose problems and reduce sinus infection symptoms. Below are some ways to flush out sinus.

Select an irrigation tool

Many types of irrigation tools can be selected. These tools can be purchased at naturopathic stores, pharmacies and online. Variations vary depending on shape, size and lifetime (some are disposable). Commonly used nasal irrigation equipment include: Neti pot, Bulb syringe, Squeeze bottle.


Use clean and safe water.

It is recommended to use bottled mineral water or boiled water that has been cooled because it is free from bacteria and microorganisms. Bacteria and microorganisms will damage the thin membranes present in the sinuses.

The use of unsafe water will cause amoebic meningitis and bacterial infections, a situation that is usually deadly.
Sterile and distilled water is most ideal for irrigation. These waters can be bought in stores and their packaging may be labelled “sterile” or “distilled”.
You can make your own sterile water. Boil water for four to five minutes, and then chill until warm. Hot water is not advisable to use because it will burn the sinus membrane.

Filtered water with pores one micron generally is safe and sound to use.

This filter is small enough to hold microorganisms so that the filtered water is clean and bacteria free. This filter can be purchased at an online or hardware store online. To find out additional information about this filter, you may search online.

Make  or buy saline solution

Special saline solutions for irrigation can be purchased at pharmacies, but you also make them yourself using ingredients in the kitchen.
Prepare a teaspoon of salt. Only consume or use kosher salt, canned, or pickled. Does not use with iodine, antigumpal, or preservatives as it will damage the nostrils and sinuses?
Mix one teaspoon of salt with half a teaspoon baking soda (baking soda).

Add half a litre of warm distilled, boiled, sterilized water and then cooled, or filtered according to the standard.
Stir until baking soda and salt dissolve with water. Add this solution to your irrigation equipment. Do not forget to use a sterile stirrer while mixing the solution.

Take precautions

It is important to maintain the cleanliness of your irrigation equipment. The appliance should always be free of germ and other bacteria that will contaminate the irrigation equipment and potentially enter the sinus opening. Here are the steps to maintain sanitation of your irrigation tool.
Wash hands with warm water and soap before handling and using irrigation means. Make sure your hands are dry by using clean and disposable wipes.
Wash irrigation equipment with distilled, sterile, boiled water and then cooled to keep the tool free from contamination when washed. Leave the appliance dry with a clean tissue.